KPC International’s CTO and expert in Tech Transfer and Operational Readiness, Julianne Hogan, will lead a discussion on Program and Project Management at Enterprise Ireland’s Swiss -Irish Knowledge Exchange event in Switzerland on Thursday 13th of June.
The focus of this event is Future Pharma: New Trends in Pharma Construction and Operational Readiness. The agenda for this event includes discussions on Innovation in Pharma Construction, Functional and Compliant Facilities and A Road-map to Successful International Plant Construction Projects.
Julianne will be discussing Program and Project Management in the context of successful international plant construction projects and will be using a KPC International case study on a Hungarian Biotech Drug Facility to aid the discussion and highlight KPC International’s expertise in this area.
Expertise in Program and Project Management to support starting-up and sustaining a facility for the manufacture of medicines is just one of the many services that are provided by our team of experts to the life sciences industry.
Our comprehensive range of high-quality specialist services also includes:
- Tech Transfer & Operational Readiness
- C&Q and Validation
- Quality& Compliance
- Seconded Services
KPC International provides an extensive range of expertise within these areas.
To learn more about how KPC International can help you achieve your project goals, get in touch by emailing us at [email protected] where you can request a copy of our brochure or visit the ‘Services‘ page on our website.